Fabian Müller's
Taiwan Rhapsody
Love Song 戀歌 Amei Folk Song
This love song of the Amei tribe from the south of Taiwan depicts longing with the metaphor of ocean waves rolling onto the shore.
Fabian Müller‘s commentary: As a Swiss, I am familiar with the mountains, but to be surrounded by the ocean at the same time, as in Taiwan, is an inspiring and fascinating experience. I have been familiar with this simple and beautiful melody of the Amei tribe for years. I originally discovered this love song in a book of Taiwanese folk songs; I already incorporated it into Dialogues Cellestes, my double concerto for two cellos from 2009. It was a great pleasure for me to use the melody again in a completely different, romantic-impressionist context. The music begins with a depiction of ocean waves by the orchestra, and out of these waves the solo cello emerges with the melody. I have always found it interesting that the mood and character of a melody can be presented in an infinite variety of ways; and so, after a second appearance of the ocean waves, the melody’s light-hearted character is suddenly transformed with a melancholic ending.